Reading in a new era

Here at ArbeitenZeit, we love to read. We love the media that traditionally have given us the opportunity to read: books, newspapers, magazines, journals, and all the other methods devised over the years to get typeset words onto paper. We especially love the books on our shelves. It saddens us that we, as readers, become increasingly less tolerant of the cost and physical bulk of new hardbacks. It sadens us, too, too, that youngsters today are less likely than those of the past to begin their reading lives with a bound volume in a Carnegie Library. Even so, much as we may regret the transformation of the old traditions, it's important to acknowledge that people still read. In fact, the convenience of new delivery methods is making reading even more pleasurable for many of us.

more choices for readers

As both readers and publishers, we think it's great that there are more choices today than ever before. We're delighted to be taking part in this reading revolution. Our goal is to reach the widest audience by issuing materials in various formats. After all, what matters is the story!

the world turns always on its axis

Provide information, and you build context for our lives. Tell us a story, and you bring pleasure to our lives. Prompt us to think, and you bring meaning to our lives. Compel us to consider the human condition, and you become part of our lives.